Wednesday, June 27, 2007

To Vitamin or Not To Vitamin

I've been seeing a lot of news and articles on vitamins lately (probably because they are all over "Preparing for Baby" books but they have been in mainsteam, non baby world, as well. Did you catch the Today Show clip on Echincea this morning? Echincea, once proven to not work at all, now has a scientific review showing that it does work - so much for the word "proven". Anyway, I digress, the thing that confuses me is that when you are pregnant (or trying to conceive) you are advised to take vitamins, especially Folic acid, for fear of birth defects. Yes, mommy guilt now starts pre-conception. If you, mom to be, selfishly do not take your prenatal your child could be born with a birth defect or less then optimal brain health (take your Folic, take your DHA). Now this is all strange because it seems in all other scenarios doctors (and the media) are advising people away from vitamins as useless, possibly doing more harm then good, etc... If vitamins are good for pregnant women then it seems that they may have some merit for the rest of the population as well (especially since mom's to be seem to be more vigilant over their nutrition then typical non baby growing folk on the street). Adding to the strangeness is that almost everything else a pregnant women would normally ingest is now off limits - peanut butter, deli meat, sushi and the big one ... caffeine... have you tried going to Starbucks and not ordering decaf yet??
I'm glad that science knows more about nutrition and that mom's are taking better care of themselves and baby to be but this dichotomy in the world of vitamins has really got me wondering - who hates vitamins so much, mommy's sure like them!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi there

Sorry for the deleted comment, but the wrong comment showed up on your blog! (Technology, still gets to me sometimes!)

Congrats with your pregnancy! I hope you love being pregnant as much as I did!

Enjoy it, take care of yourself, but don't sweat the small stuff. As long as you avoid liver, kitty poo, alcohol and smoking, you'll be fine!

Will be watching to see when you post your photo of your little angel.

Take care!


Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of avoiding peanut butter, but I've seen deli meat, soft cheeses, sushi (raw meats in general), and of course caffeine, alcohol. I didn't bother worrying about deli meat or soft cheeses - I figure as long as the ham or other sandwich meat hasn't sat in my fridge for more then a week I can eat it. And for the cheeses - If you take away my feta I won't be able to eat anything!! :P I just make sure it's pasteurized.

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